It’s that time of year! As moms, we do everything we can to prepare for the start of school. This year especially is going to be different for many of us. It’s always helpful to get our resources in order to make things run smoothly. I’ve created a few freebies that just may make the beginning of the school year a bit easier for you. Each of the freebies are described below with pictures to follow. Simply right click and save or if on a tablet hold to save as a photo. This will allow you to print.
First, I created a student’s info page that allows you to see their teacher, email, schedule, and passwords all in one spot. This is going to save my sanity and time and hopefully yours too. Next, I created a back to school shopping list template to use for shopping the best sales. I’ve included items, stores, and sales prices. I have also created an “After School Checklist,” that allows kiddos to settle in to complete their homework before moving onto playing. Finally, I have included a reward chart that you can use to help motivate your child with rewards you set up with him/her. I hope each of these are helpful to you as your year begins. Let me know how you plan to get organized and ready for the start of the school year. Leave me a comment!
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